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eu abri a torneira para pegar água.
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I turned on the tap to get water.
eu sequei a caixa com o pano.
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I dried the box with the cloth.
eu nem fiquei ainda
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I was not even stayed yet
eu vou levar a caixa para o quarto
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I'll take the box to the room.
eu estou indo para o quarto
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I'm going to the bedroom
eu estou subindo a escada com a caixa na mão
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I'm going up the ladder with the box in my hand.
A Laura quer carinho
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Laura wants to care
vou colocar água limpa para Laura
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I'll put clean water on Laura.
a Laura me mordeu
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Laura bit me
Gostaria de fazer uma pergunta importante:
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I'd like to ask you an important question:
Qual seu maior desafio em inglês?
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What is your biggest challenge in English?
Vou lavar os potes dos animais
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I'll wash the pots of the animals.
eu abri a lata
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I opened the can
eu peguei a escada
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I took the stairs
eu subi a escada
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I went up the stairs
eu peguei a bucha e o sabão
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I got the loofah and the soap.
eu estou guardando a louça
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I'm putting the dishes away
uma vez por semana lavar os potes
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once a week wash the pots
ele fica gritando na Janela dos outros em vez de tocar o interfone
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he shouts at the others' windows instead of ringing the intercom
limpar a estante com álcool
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clean the bookshelf with alcohol
recolher resíduos de ração
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collect feed residues
como Vocês conseguem fazer isso?
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How can you do this?
estás pronto!
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you are all set!
prejudicar ninguém
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harm no one
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