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przydzielać, wyznaczać
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The new journalis was assigned to researching the election promises of the main political parties.
to give someone a particular job or responsibility
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We use the term "class" to denote the groups pf people who share the same cosial and economic backgrounds.
wymyślić, opracować
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In 1990, the British researcher Tim Berners-Lee devised the first browser.
to invent a plan, system, object, etc., usually using your intelligence or imagination
sformułować, opracować
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The Prime Minister set up a committee of financial experts to help him discuss and formulate new policies.
to develop all the details of a plan for doing something
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The rise in the number of deaths from AIDS has had a very significant impact on people's sexual behaviour.
a powerful effect that something, especially something new, has on a situation or person
wykorzystanie, używanie
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The usage of drugs has increased significantly in spite of more severe penalties such as longer prison sentences.
the use of something, the way in which it is used, or how much it has been used
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During the 1970's and 1980's, it became increasingly evident that companies in the West were uncompetitive
easily seen or understood
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dotyczyć, obejmować
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There has been a major road accident, ivolving 23 cars.
to include someone or something in an activity
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be part of something
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If a situation is bleak, there is little or no hope for the future
ocenić, oszacować
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Education experts from France travelled to Japan to evaluate the secondary school system there.
to judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something
osądzać, oceniać
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to form, give, or have as an opinion, or to decide about something or someone, especially after thinking carefully
zakres, przedział
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Although it is not very big, the library has an excellent range of books, journals and other resources for study.
a set of similar things
różnorodność / zróżnicowanie
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many different types of things or people
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Increasingly, the design of buildings is being adjusted to allowed easier access for disabled people.
to change something slightly, especially to make it more correct or suitable
modyfikować, zmieniać
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to change something slightly, esp. to improve it or make it more acceptable
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to limit something and reduce its size or prevent it from increasing
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The lack of extra student accommodation narrowed the expansion in student numbers which the university was planning.
to become less
nabywać, kupować
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to get or obtain something
czerpać coś z czegoś
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derive something from something
Many students derive a great deal of enjoyment and satisfaction from their time at univeristy.
to take, receive, or obtain especially from a specified source
wahać się, oscylować
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Following the bank raid, the police pursued the robbers but were unable to catch them.
to follow someone or something, usually to try to catch him, her, or it
składać się z czegoś
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consist of something
Assessment on this course consists of coursework (30%) and examinations (70%).
to be made of or formed from something
zilustrować, zobrazować
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I like your essay, but i want you to illustrate your points by providing some supporting examples.
to show the meaning or truth of something more clearly, especially by giving examples
zakładać, przyjmować
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What will the result be if in the future we assume that nearly everyone has access to a motor car?
to accept something to be true without question or proof
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Students may be asked to compare many alternative theories, from witch they have to select the most convining.
definiować, określać
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Everyone wants to be happy, but we probably all define happiness in many different ways.
ułatwić, umożliwić
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Many iniversities now have language centres to facilitate language learning for international students.
to make something possible or easier
interpretować, odczytać
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Numbers and results are not particularly useful in themselves; we need to interpret them to understand what they actually mean
to decide what the intended meaning of something is
utożsamiać, zrównać
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In spite of warnings about cancer, many Westerners equate a sun tan with health and youthfulness.
to consider one thing to be the same as or equal to another thing
technika, metoda
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Advertisers use a variety of techniques to persuade consumers to buy products and services.
przypadkowy, losowy
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At first, the police viewed the crimes as random events, but realised later that there was a pattern linking them.
wielkość, skala
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It may be the case that no solution is possible, given the magnitude of this problem.
the large size or importance of something
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Although computers are becoming increasingly complex, the programs they use are becoming much easier to operate
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The investigation was stopped because the witnesses could not identify the man they had seen commit the robbery.
to recognize someone or something and say or prove who or what that person or thing is
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comply with, observe
If a company does not observe (comply with) health and safety laws, it may be fined very heavily if any of its workers are injured.
równy, równoważny
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equal, equivalent
For many years, $4 was equal (equivalent) £1.
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specify, state
University regulations state (specify) that students must pass 18 modules to graduate.
wymagać, zobowiązywać
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require, oblige
Anybody driving a car is obliged (is required) by law to have insurance.
oczywiste, jasne
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obvious, clear
On the basis of their examination results, it was clear (obvious) that most students had completly misunderstood the first part of the paper.
zakładać, przypuszczać
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assume, presume
Many people think that oil will run out in the next 100 years, but they are assuming (presuming) that we will continue to use oil at the same rate as today.
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warranty, guarantee
Most electrical products have a one- ore two-year warranty (guarantee) in case something should go wrong.
technika, metoda, sposób
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technique, method
One problem facing overseas students is adapting to new teaching techniques (methods).
sugerować, implikować
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suggest, imply
The fact that crime increases when unemployment goes up seems to suggest (imply) a link between the two.
suma, kwota
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sum, amount
It may cost an overseas student around £15,000 per year to live and study in Britain, which is a very large amount (sum) of money.
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continue, proceed
The lecturer gave the students a 10 minute break before continuing (proceeding) with the rest of her lecture.
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finish, conclude
At the end of her talk, the lecturer finished (concluded) with a brief review of the main points.
oceniać, oszacować
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In this first assignment, we will assess your work and then give you detailed feedback on how to improve your writing.
to judge or decide the amount, value, quality, or importance of something
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In a seminar or tutorial, everyone should take part rather than allow one person to dominate the discussion.
uciskać, gnębić
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sprecyzowany, konkretny, pewny
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Although it is impossible to give a definite age, we believe that the woman was between 25 and 30 when she died.
pewny, określony, niechybny
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absolutny, całkowity
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a way of considering or doing something
Rather than try to treat it, the best approach to the problem of poor public health may be to attempt to prevent it.
potencjalny, ewentualny
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possible when the necessary conditions exist
Surprisingly perhaps, the biggest potential health risk for tourists travelling abroad is actually road traffic accidents.
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able to be done or achieved, or able to exist
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based on theory or on possibilities
element, część, podzespół
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Computers can be difficult to repair because there may be hundreds of different components inside.
a part that combines with other parts to form something bigger
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wyrównywać, rekompensować
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Because Paris is expensive, many organisations pay higher salaries to compensate for the high cost of living there.
to pay someone money in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged or for some problem
dostosowywać, regulować
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to change something slightly, especially to make it more correct, effective, or suitable
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to put right a wrong or give payment for a wrong that has been done
powieść się, odnieść sukces
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next, following
dalszy, późniejszy
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Many people were killed instantly at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but thousands more died from subsequent radiation sickness.
happening after something else
odrębny, różny, odmienny
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The clothing of men and women used to be quite distinct, whereas today women often wear trousers as well as men.
clearly separate and different (from something else)
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wybitny, dostojny
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to say that something is true or is a fact, although you cannot prove it and other people might not believe it
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wskazać, określić
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Research indicates that customers want free car-parking when they go shopping.
zwrócić uwagę, wskazywać
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point out
położenie, lokalizacja
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obszar, region
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In political terms, the Middle East is one of the most unstable regions of the world.
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prime, main
The prime cause of death today in Britain is heart disease, with cancer in second place.
początkowy, wstępny
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ważny powód
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valid reason
If you submit work late, you will lose marks and may even be given a fail grade, unless you have a valid reason such as illness.
nowy koncept
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new concept
One travel company is now advertising a completely new concept in tourism: flights into outer space by rocket.
stała temperatura
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constant temperature
At the bottom of the ocean, the water remains at a constant temperature irrespective of changing weather conditions at the surface.
nowy aspekt
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new dimension
The growth of China will add a new dimension to the economic and political situation in the Far East.
analizować wyniki
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analyse results
Students are expected not just to describe what they have done but also to analyse results when they write a research report.
ustalić związek
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establish a link
Investigators have been able to establish a link between childhood illnesses and industrial pollution.
napięta atmosfera
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tense atmosphere
Following the demonstrations by thousands of student, there was a very tense atmosphere in the capital.
wstępne wyniki
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initial results
Unfortunately, although the initial results were very promising, the project failed in the long run because of a lack of interest.
główna rola
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leading role
Engineers have played a leading role in improving our health by giving us clean water supplies, perhaps more so than doctors.
ostateczna odpowiedzialność
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ultimate responsibility
The Managing Director may run the company, but ultimate responsibility rests with the Board of Directors.
stan cywilny
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marital status
On the form, please give your name, nationality, address and indicate your marital status.
wysunąć hipotezę
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put forward a hypothesis
When some scientists originally put forward a hypothesis known as global warming, the idea was not taken seriously.
uchylić wyrok
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reverse the verdict
In some instances, a Court of Appeal may reverse the verdict reached at the first trial and released somebody who has been wrongly held in prison.
minimalny wymóg
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minimum requirement
Most universities require international students to have an IELTS score of at least 6 as a minimum requirement for English language competence.

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