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stand in for somebody
I'm standing in for your teacher. My employee stood in for me at the conference. Can you stand in for me today?
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zastępować kogoś przez pewien czas
do the needful
Please do the needful, request to all editors. I am sure you would do the needful. "We will do the needful to maintain the growth of the housing industry in the State, " he said
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zrobić, co należy
They've had a couple of problems to tackle. The company has to tackle the crisis.
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uporać się (z czymś), stawiać czoło (problemom)
cut-off date
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ostateczny termin
from one's end
The voice came from the other end of the room. They must have heard it from your end, John.
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z czyjejś strony
take sth for granted
I took for granted that they would pay for their share of dinner. I was wrong.
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brać coś za pewnik, za coś oczywistego
stick to sth
Let's stick to the plan.
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trzymać się czego (np. planu), przestrzegać czegoś (np. diety)
Learn to troubleshoot a central air and room conditioner system.
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rozwiązywać problemy, usuwać usterki
By all means!
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Ma się rozumieć! Jak najbardziej!
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He was sued for sexual harassment of his colleague. He didn't want to meet them because of their constant harassment.
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prześladowanie, nękanie, dokuczanie
check sth against sth
I opened a few, just to check the year end against my list.
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porównać coś z czymś
agreed upon
Only a few months after his death in 1919, the idea of making park was agreed upon.
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chew on something
I need to chew on your offer. I don't have to chew on this, I have already made up my mind.
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przemyśliwać coś, zastanawiać się nad czymś
Muszę zastanowić się nad twoją ofertą. Nie muszę się nad tym zastanawiać, już podjęłam decyzję.
forsee (forsaw, forseen)
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forsee (forsaw, forseen)

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