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I'd better catch a nap this afternoon.
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1. He seized my hand and led me to his room. 2. The jealousy seized my mind.
rozpatrywać, szczegółowo (coś) badać, analizować inizia ad imparare
I have to scrutinize the data.
uporać się z czymś, stawić czoła inizia ad imparare
It will prioritize tackling climate change.
autentycznie, rzeczywiście Myślę, że ona jest rzeczywiscie zmartwiona. inizia ad imparare
I think she's genuinely concerned.
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She felt profound sadness.
nieświadomy, nie zdający sobie sprawy (z czegoś) inizia ad imparare
I was so oblivious to my own limits that I did things I was woefully unprepared to do.
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I was so oblivious to my own limits that I did things I was woefully unprepared to do.
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I wholeheartedly believed in that relationship.
usilnie namawiać, ponaglać inizia ad imparare
Don't urge me. I'll do it when I'm ready.
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Sorry, I have to call our tomorrow's lesson off.
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przeciekać, ujawniać informacje inizia ad imparare
Her good friend leaked the information to the press.
pogodzony (z daną sytuacją, osobą), akceptujący (np. wybór) inizia ad imparare
I think that contradiction can be reconciled and is in fact instructive.
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radzić sobie, robić postępy (w czymś) / kontynuować (coś) inizia ad imparare
Oh, please, get on well with your speech.