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Domanda English Risposta English
stairs people use to exit a burning building
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fire escape
watch or listen to something carefully
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pay attention
very important
It is ________ to explain it as soon as possible.
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It is crucial to explain it as soon as possible.
t o remove parts of books, films, letters etc. thought to be offensive or inappropriate
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to censor
a person whose job is to remove parts of books, films, letters etc. thought to be offensive or inappropriate
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a censor
the process of removing parts of books, films, letters etc. thought to be offensive or inappropriate
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to make jokes about something in an unkind way
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to ridicule
comments intended to make something look stupid
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make something seem useless or stupid
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make a mockery (of something)
relax; don't panic
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chill out!
stop being angry or upset
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keep your hair on
don't get angry or upset
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don't get your knickers in a twist

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