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Domanda English Risposta English
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noun: the right or opportunity to use or see something verb: to find or see information, especially using a computer
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to be in control or charge of, n. management
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noun: a group of people who know each other or who work together verb: to use social events to meet people who might be useful for your business
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verb: to describe only the most important ideas or facts about something noun: a short description of the most important ideas or facts about something
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to try to persuade someone to work for a company or to join an organization
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the process of finding people to work for a company or become a new member of an organization
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verb: to consider something again in order to decide if changes should be made noun: to give your opinion in a report about a film, book, television programme, etc
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project; a drawing that shows how an object, machine, or building will be made
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to make or change something so that it is suitable
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a typical quality, or important part of something
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a suggestion that someone or something is good or suitable for a particular purpose
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the act of saying that you approve of or support something or someone
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not harmed or affected by something
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related or useful to what is happening or being talked about
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success in doing something good
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a plan; to arrange that an event or an activity will happen at a particular time
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pleasant, interesting, or attractive
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the process of growing, changing, or becoming more advanced
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to include
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the part around the middle of your body where you wear a belt
Personal Branding
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is the process of creating a brand identity for a person or a company. As the name suggests, this is a brand for you or your business.
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noun: a sudden, clever idea; verb: to generate new ideas from a group of people by means of a discussion in which they make several suggestions and the best ones are adopted
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the ability of a person to do more than one thing at a time
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to go to an event or be present at
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to travel regularly between two places, especially between home in the suburbs and work in the city
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get an advantage from something
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to give someone something that they need
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a group of people who officially control a company or organization, or a particular type of business activity
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a person who tries to persuade someone to leave their job by offering that person another job with more pay and a higher position
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to look like or be like someone or something
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the act of making a product, organization, person, or place easy to recognize as different from others by connecting it with a particular name, design, symbol, set of qualities, etc.
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a line of words printed in large letters as the title of a story in a newspaper, or the main points of the news that are broadcast on television or radio
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easy to remember
Pick up
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to learn interesting or useful information from someone or something
Delve into something
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to examine something carefully in order to discover more information about someone or something
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select things

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