1 Connections

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Domanda Risposta
budować relacje
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build relationships
succeed in creating rapport with others
miej oczy otwarte
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keep your eyes open
stay alert
przetwarzać informacje
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process information
deal with and gain understanding of input you receive
przeczytaj sytuację
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read a situation
understand what is going on
nie spiesz się
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take your time
avoid feeling rushed
Zachować otwarty umysł
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keep an open mind
don't judge people / things too quickly
sformułować opinię
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form an opinion
make a judgement
zarządzaj nieporozumieniami
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manage unkonows
deal successfully with unfamiliar situations
działa w obie strony
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work both ways
have a reciprocal effect
buduj swoje umiejętności
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build your skils
develop your ability in a certain area
zważyć zalety i wady
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weight up the pros and cons
consider the advantages and disadvantages
dać ci wgląd
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give you an insight
provide you with useful information to help you understand something
na uboczu
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