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Três ladrões invadiram a casa do Pete e roubaram o dinheiro todo.
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break into
Three thieves broke into Pete's house and stole all the money.
Nós decidimos cortar contacto devido a problemas recentes com a sua execução.
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break off
We decided to break off the contract due to the recent problems with its execution.
trazer com
Tive de trazê-la comigo.
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bring around
I had to bring her around to come with me.
É fácil desistir e deixar os outros ganhar.
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back down
It's easy to back down and let others win.
Não há nada que possas mudar em relação a isso; tens de suportar.
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bear with
There's nothing you can change about it; just bear with it.
A comissão apoiou a nossa iniciativa.
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back up
The Committee backed up our initiative.
Eu aguentei anos de violência e dor.
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bear up
I bore up years of violence and pain.
+18 schede
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"TOEFL - Verbos frasais"
(Un totale di 225 schede)

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26 - 5051 - 7576 - 100101 - 125126 - 150151 - 175175 - 200201 - 225

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