0CT 7

 0    22 schede    aleksander80
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Domanda Risposta
kupuje nieruchomosci
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I buy real estate
rozwiazuje problemy
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i solve problems
my lot z przesiadka
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I have a connecting flight
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zle sie z tym czuje
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I feel bad about it
jestem tutaj do 16
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I am here until 4 pm
dostalem wyplate
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I received my paycheck
ja wymieniam/zastepuje
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I replace
mam dobre wspomnienia
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I have good memories
poszlem tam raz
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I went there once
cwicze dwa razy w tygodniu
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I work out twice a week
podrozuje trzy razy w roku
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I travel three times a year
czy ty mowisz ze...?
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Are you saying that ...?
oni maja inna mentalnosc
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They have a different mentality
nie lubie przeklnania
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I dont like swearing
uderzyles sie w glowe
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You hit your head
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znasz go czy nie?
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Do you know him or not?
robiles to czy nie?
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Have you done this or not
ja przezyje
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I will survive
mam nadzieje ze przezyjesz
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I hope you will live

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