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Domanda American English Risposta American English
Evolutionary Purpose
Do you think laughter has an evolutionary purpose?
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A reason or role developed through evolution.
Yes, some scientists believe that laughter has an evolutionary purpose, helping to strengthen social bonds.
Did you like the movie's plot?
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Imaginative and unrealistic.
It was very fanciful, full of imaginative and whimsical elements that kept me entertained.
Fizzle Out
How did the event go?
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To gradually fail or end weakly.
It started strong but began to fizzle out towards the end, with people losing interest.
What happened to the project?
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Gradually failed or came to an end.
The project fizzled after the initial excitement faded and funding ran out.
Flatter to Deceive
Do you trust their compliments?
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To give insincere praise to mislead.
No, I think they flatter to deceive; their praise often hides ulterior motives.
What did the animals do when the fire started?
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To run away from danger or a threat.
They tried to flee to safety as quickly as they could.
How did she handle the difficult situation?
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Courage in facing difficulties.
She showed incredible fortitude, remaining strong and resilient throughout.
Do you think continuing is worthwhile?
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Pointless or ineffective.
It seems futile; we've tried everything, and nothing has worked.
How did the speech affect the crowd?
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To stimulate or excite into taking action.
It managed to galvanize them into action, motivating them to volunteer.
What was your reaction to the twist in the story?
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To take a short, quick breath in surprise or shock.
I couldn't help but gasp when the unexpected twist was revealed.
Get the Ball Rolling
How do we start the project?
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To start something moving or initiate an activity.
Let's get the ball rolling by outlining our main objectives and assigning tasks.
Getting Off on the Right Foot
How was your first day at work?
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To start something well or successfully.
I think I'm getting off on the right foot; everyone was very welcoming and supportive.
Give It Your Best Shot
What advice do you have for the competition?
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To try as hard as possible.
Just give it your best shot and see what happens.
How did the audience react to the comedian?
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Laughing loudly and heartily.
They were guffawing at his jokes, filling the room with loud, hearty laughter.
Gutted with
How did he feel after the loss?
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Extremely disappointed or devastated.
He was absolutely gutted with the result, feeling deeply disappointed.
How did they use the new technology?
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To control and make use of (natural resources), especially to produce energy.
They harnessed its power to improve their productivity significantly.
Did he give a clear answer?
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To avoid giving a clear answer or commitment.
No, he hedged his response to avoid committing to a specific stance.
How on earth is it possible
How did he manage to finish so quickly?
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Expression of disbelief or amazement.
How on earth is it possible that he completed the task in such a short time?
How was the storm last night?
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Making a long, loud, and mournful cry.
The wind was howling all night, making it hard to sleep.
Hunched Over
How was he working at his desk?
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Bent forward with shoulders raised and head down.
He was hunched over his computer, typing furiously.

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