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hale and hearty; in tip top condition
zasypać, zasypywać (np. pracą, komplementami) inizia ad imparare
When the story gets out, you'll be inundated with reporters.
wypaczać (np. obraz rzeczywistości), zniekształcać (fakty) inizia ad imparare
The company's income is skewed because not all customers have paid their bills.
szczegółowe badanie (np. dokumentu), analiza (czegoś) inizia ad imparare
This essay could use some professional scrutiny.
żyć zgodnie z czymś, spełniać oczekiwania inizia ad imparare
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Poland boasts beautiful mountains
konik (sprzedawca biletów po zawyżonych cenach) inizia ad imparare
wiarogodność, wiarygodność inizia ad imparare
She is a person whose credibility cannot be called into question
dokumenty potwierdzające tożsamość Zanim panią wpuszczę, muszę zobaczyć pani dowód tożsamości. inizia ad imparare
Before I let you in, I need to see your credentials.
wskrzeszać, ożywiać, wznawiać inizia ad imparare
kuszący, nęcący (np. propozycja) inizia ad imparare
He had the same black hair as his son and those seductive brown eyes also.
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The event has been touted by the press for weeks.
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They have generated a lot of hype about their new movie.
przesadna, krzykliwa reklama inizia ad imparare
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He was convicted of robbery.
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My father never resorts to violence.
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The woman later confided in a friend who told the police.
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oskarżać, postawiać zarzut (w sądzie) Sąd postawił mu zarzut napaści. inizia ad imparare
The court charged him with assault.
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przyznać się (do zrobienia czegoś złego) inizia ad imparare
admit (to do something bad) Her son admitted to painting the wall with crayons.
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sentence somebody to something The thief was sentenced to two years in prison.