05 czerwiec

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did you eat lunch already?
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¿Ya almorzaste?
I ate lunch
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yo almorcé
I have eaten
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He almorzado
we have eaten
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nosotros hemos almorzado
she doesn't have anyone to talk with
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ella no tiene nadie con quien hablar
they don’t speak Spanish with each other
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no hablan español entre sí
What language do they speak?
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en qué idioma hablan?
different reasons
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diferentes razones
after our class
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después de nuestra clase
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la gente
what laguage do Brazilian people speak?
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¿qué idioma habla la gente de Brasil?
different from Spanish
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diferente al Español
Portugese is more similar to Spanish than English
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el portugués es más parecido al español que el inglés
I can’t speak Spanish yet
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aún no puedo hablar español
in the beginning
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al principio

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