Domanda |
Risposta |
optymalny punkt (np. coś, co przynosi najlepsze efekty) inizia ad imparare
You need a minimum number of members to hit that sweet spot.
dostateczny, wystarczający inizia ad imparare
Matthew's reading skills are far from adequate.
inizia ad imparare
The human rights situation in China is far from adequate.
zachrypły, ochrypły (o głosie) inizia ad imparare
She sounded very hoarse on the phone.
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This book is an auspicious start to a writing career.
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odtąd, od tego czasu, od tej pory inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
She secured a place at the university
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inizia ad imparare
I'm not joking, I'm speaking in earnest.
tworzyć, stwarzać (np. pomysł) inizia ad imparare
He conceived this brilliant idea!
począć (dziecko), zachodzić w ciążę inizia ad imparare
We conceived a baby three months ago.
rozpoczynać, podejmować, przedsięwziąć (np. kampanię) inizia ad imparare
After the war she embarked on a major international career.
rzucać się w coś, zapuszczać się w coś inizia ad imparare
After completing his education, he decided to launch into a career in entrepreneurship and started his own business.
wywoływać (np. uczucia), wyzwalać, wzbudzać inizia ad imparare
The speech prompted angry responses.
rozpoczynać, uruchamiać (z set) inizia ad imparare
This event set off a crisis.
inizia ad imparare
He pushed the red button and set the alarm off.
rozpocząć, zacząć coś (z set) inizia ad imparare
After receiving the assignment, Sarah set about researching the topic thoroughly to ensure she had all the necessary information.