01/11 lesson added by Chris

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Coffee is the human fuel
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Kawa jest ludzkim paliwem
Most people drink around three to five coffees a day
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Większość osób pije dziennie od trzech do pięciu kaw
fresh coffee is the best
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świeża kawa jest najlepsza
What has more caffeine tea or coffee?
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Co ma więcej herbaty lub kawy kofeinowej?
The smell of coffee is as good as it tastes
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Zapach kawy jest tak dobry, jak smakuje
Coffee has been drunk since the fifteenth century
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Kawę pije się od XV wieku
Coffee picks me up
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Kawa mnie odbiera
There are health benefits to drinking coffee
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Picie kawy ma zalety zdrowotne
Is coffee an addiction?
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Czy kawa jest uzależnieniem?
Coffee coffee coffee YES YES YES
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Kawa Kawa Kawa TAK TAK TAK

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