01.pl. 01.31. Kuchnia.1

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Ta kuchnia jest bardzo ładna.
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The kitchen is very nice.
W tej kuchni jest cała rodzina.
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The whole family is in this kitchen.
Kobieta nakrywa do stołu.
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A woman sets the table.
Jej córka niesie talerze i widelce.
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Her daughter carries the plates and forks.
Jej syn niesie tacę z owocami.
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Her son is carrying a tray of fruit.
Na tacy są jabłka i gruszki.
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There are apples and pears on the tray
Gdzie jest ojciec?
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Where is the father?
Mężczyzna stoi przy zlewie i myje brudne naczynia.
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A man stands at the sink, and is washing dirty dishes.
Zlew jest przy kuchence.
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The sink is next to the stove.
Cała rodzina je obiad przy stole.
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The whole family eats dinner at the table.

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