007 2018-07-12

 0    24 schede    piotrkalocinski
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Chciałbym wiedzieć, czy...
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I would like to know if...
Będę musiał spotkać się z moim pracownikiem w niedzielę.
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I will have to meet my employee on Sunday
zwolnić pracownika
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to fire an employee
list z przeprosinami
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a letter of apology
z wyjaśnieniem
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with an explanation
ER oznacza pogotowie
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ER means ambulance / E.R. stands for emergency
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a tent
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a misunderstanding
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the results
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an optician's
z godzinną przerwą
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with an hour break / with an hour's break
Dwa razy badałem (swoje) oczy
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I had my eyes checked twice
Nic nie można było zrobić
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Nothing could be done
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zmysł wzroku
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the sense of sight
zmysł węchu
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the sense of smell
zmysł dotyku
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the sense of touch
zmysł słuchu
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the sense of hearing
zmysł smaku
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the sense of taste
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przez kilka tygodni
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for a few weeks
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jazda na rowerze
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a storage

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