Dizionario Inglese - Inglese

English - English

used to say with what you think is the likely situation in inglese:

1. presumably presumably

They are students, so presumably they won’t have a lot of money.
The train is presumably delayed for 10 minutes.
presumably not
Her father was, presumably, absent when all this was going on?
‘But presumably you haven’t arranged this interview to reassure me about your literary taste.’
So, presumably, you would recommend ballet lessons.
Oil prices will presumably get even higher.
Apart from Parck, Thrawn, and Eli, the passenger list included Major Barris, (...) and two stormtroopers, presumably also part of the group who'd seen the alien in action.
This is presumably the right way. The satnav says so.
But whether he could show any of that talent during the presumably brief time he would be out from under Thrawn's shadow was questionable at best.