Dizionario Inglese - Inglese

English - English

the ability to understand something in inglese:

1. comprehension comprehension

This is a comprehension test, don't worry about grammar.
Each chapter in the textbook is followed by about a dozen comprehension questions.
listening comprehension
He nodded slowly in comprehension.
There's a global problem of comprehension.
Everyone who uses Esperanto or works for it, is an Esperantist, and every Esperantist has the complete right, in Esperanto, to see only the language as a simple, cold tool for international comprehension.
Justice is the constant and perpetual desire to give to each one that to which he is entitled. Jurisprudence is the knowledge of matters divine and human, and the comprehension of what is just and what is unjust.
There will be an oral comprehension in this exam.
In our group we have poor comprehension of the term "sharing".
But such comprehension was of no use to him now
How anyone could be so cruel is beyond my comprehension (= I can't understand it).
It's beyond my comprehension (= I can't understand) how anyone could be so cruel.
The effect of his disorder is that he is unable to understand feelings of other people. Empathy is for him meaningless and abstract. Therefore being sarcastic or using metaphors are form him beyond comprehension.
I want to improve my comprehension skills.
If the more advanced want to improve English ability (especially reading comprehension) increasing vocabulary is the way to go.