Dizionario Inglese - Inglese

English - English

satisfy in inglese:

1. satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is our number one priority.
She expressed satisfaction with her life.
We hope this will be to your satisfaction.
I had the satisfaction of finishing the work.
job satisfaction
She obtained great satisfaction from/out of helping other people.
He takes great satisfaction from his job
We value customer satisfaction.
It would be a satisfaction to me.
I noticed that I got a more lasting satisfaction from works of a more incomplete character.
I can't get sexual satisfaction.
His success was a great satisfaction to me.

Inglese parola "satisfy"(satisfaction) si verifica in set:

Michal - Sem6 - Kolos 01

2. dissatisfied

I'm dissatisfied with your work.
The public at large are dissatisfied with the present government.
Too much choice is making us feel unhappy and dissatisfied.
He's always dissatisfied.
Tom was dissatisfied with the service at the hotel where he stayed.
Already three years since I became an office lady. It's not as if I'm dissatisfied with my present lifestyle but, well ...
She has a boyfriend she's been going out with since high school but feels their relationship has become a matter of habit and is increasingly dissatisfied.
It is better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a pig satisfied.
However, the effect of noisy neighbours ranked much more highly among residents already dissatisfied with their home.
He had been feeling very dissatisfied with his life in recent months.
If you're dissatisfied with the service, why don't you complain to the hotel manager?
They continued to regard Kelsier's with dissatisfied expressions.
Most of our costumers were dissatisfied, so we closed this restaurant.
A dissatisfied customer will never recommend your company to their friends, but will usually to the opposite.
She was dissatisfied with the answer he gave when she asked when he planned to pay back the money he owed her.

3. dissatisfaction

He pouted with dissatisfaction.
An experiment, I would learn much later, when studying the philosophy of science, had to arise from a real dissatisfaction with existing knowledge.

Inglese parola "satisfy"(dissatisfaction) si verifica in set:

Word Formation (Year 3)

4. to convince

How did you manage to convince them?
I didn't manage to convince them.
I want to convince Jan to come with me.
try to convince him to do it
He managed to convince the jury of his innocence.
It was hard to convince him not to leave the country.
I would like to convince you to a more effective method.
It's difficult to convince him

Inglese parola "satisfy"(to convince) si verifica in set:

prawo cywilne cześć ogólna i rodzinne

5. to please someone by giving them what they want or need

Inglese parola "satisfy"(to please someone by giving them what they want or need) si verifica in set:

Unit 3 - vocabulary

6. annoy

He made mistakes on purpose to annoy me.
stop annoying me!
Are there any other things people do with their phones that annoy you.
Those impossible suggestions just annoy me.
Muiriel likes to annoy me lately.
She's always saying things that annoy me
The cat scratches people if they annoy it.
Her talk of claws which so annoyed me should have made me feel sorry for her.
other times it will simply annoy
Jane wouldn’t stop complaining and it was beginning to annoy me.
It annoys me when other people smoke.
I am always leaving my mobile phone at work. It's very annoying.
Tina really annoyed me in the ​meeting this ​morning.
She can be very annoying
I didn't say a word for fear I should annoy him.

7. sate