Dizionario Inglese - Inglese

English - English

adjective deliberately wanting to hurt someone or cause damage in inglese:

1. malicious malicious

Malicious gossip spreads like wildfire. I guess that's why they say bad news travels fast.
Any further malicious and unfounded political attacks will be redundant.
Your malicious remark wounded me deeply.
malicious gossip
There are frequent instances of malicious door-to-door selling, such as pushing water purifiers on people after carrying out water quality tests without permission.
Beware of 'One Ring' malicious nuisance calls!!
"Cygni is not a malicious or casual killer."
Fake news is one of the worst kinds of rumors spread with malicious intent.
He complained that he'd been receiving malicious phone calls.
He's a malicious disgusting guy and you should beware of him.
If you're sure that all malicious code has been removed...
All viruses are malicious, nasty little programs.
He often insults people and then insists he is only joking, but the malicious look in his eyes says otherwise
He took malicious pleasure in telling me what she had said.
Even if malicious gossip is being circulated around someone, it doesn't necessarily mean that the value of that person will be diminished.